My brain is to active to send me to sleep, so i though i'd blog again, because while having tea with my family i was talking to them about texture, and came up with an idea of crocheting doilies and pressing them into clay... so that's what i've been up to...
I love making doilies, the pattern I'm following is from a really old magazine called Phildar, that was given to me by my mums friend. It has gorgeous retro bed spreads and table mats in it.

I used to watch my nan knit when I was little and think "how does she do that?..How does she have the patience?" but now I see what the attraction is. Its so nice to sit with some music in your ears and just Crochet or Knit...while thinking about absolutely nothing...
Anyway, back to the purpose of this post...
This is the pattern I'm following:

Eventually I'm going to make 3 (mostly because of my obsession of things being in 3's...its weird I know!) , different sizes, and then I'm going to press them into different size plates, which will be thrown on the wheel.
now this idea is safe here, I might actually be able to get some sleep ready for a busy day at Uni tomorrow...
ohh the beauty of Blogger!
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